• Ajou University Hospital South Korea
  • Apollo Hospitals India
  • Asan Medical Center South Korea
  • Ewha Womans’ Universtiy
    Medical Center South Korea
  • Keimyung University Dongsan
    Hospital South Korea
  • Korea University Anam
    Hospital South Korea
  • National University
    Hospital - Singapore Singapore
  • Samsung Medical Center South Korea
  • Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital South Korea
  • Severance Hospital South Korea
Ajou University Hospital

South Korea

  • Ajou University Hospital
  • Ajou University Hospital
  • Ajou University Hospital in Seoul, South Korea, is known for its excellence in medical services, research, and education. It's affiliated with Ajou University and offers a wide range of healthcare services with state-of-the-art technology and a strong focus on patient care.
Tutor Name & Surgery Types
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  • Jiheum Paek
  • Hysterectomy, myomecomty, ovarain cystectomy, radical hysterectomy, paraaortic LND, sentinel LN mapping (all Xi, single -site for benign disease)
Surgery Days
  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Apollo Hospitals


  • Apollo Hospitals
  • Apollo Hospitals
  • Apollo Health City is part of a chain of Apollo hospitals across India. Established in 1988, it is located in the Jubilee Hills area of the city. It is a 550-bed multi-specialty Hospital, with over 50 specialties and super-specialties. It is spread across a sprawling campus of 33 acres. It even boasts of having an additional Apollo Medical College on the same campus.
  • Apollo Health City Hyderabad not only provides outstanding care and treatment but constantly betters clinical outcomes using advanced technology and robotics, comprehensive research programs and education all in one sprawling campus, creating an environment dedicated to healing. The centers of Excellence at Apollo Hospitals (one of them is in Gynecology) offers a one-stop solution for patients with multiple and complex medical problems, saving them valuable time, effort, and cost. Apart from patient care, these centers of Excellence promote training and research. At present it 4 seats for a year fellowship in Minimal Access Gynecology Surgery including robotic surgery.
Tutor Name & Surgery Types
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  • Rooma Sinha
  • daVinci Xi- Benign Gynecology Surgeries -Myomectomy, Hysterectomy, Endometriosis excision surgery, abdominal cerclage, Sacrocolpopexy
Surgery Days
  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Asan Medical Center

South Korea

  • Asan Medical Center
  • Asan Medical Center
  • Asan Medical Center in Seoul, South Korea, is one of the country's largest and most comprehensive medical facilities. It is renowned for its advanced medical research, state-of-the-art healthcare services, and extensive treatment options across various medical fields. The center is also a leading institution for medical education and training, contributing significantly to medical advancements and patient care.
Tutor Name & Surgery Types
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  • Sa Ra Lee
  • SP sacrocolpopexy, myomectomy, sacrocolpopexy, TLH, SCH, endometriosis, Congenital anomaly surgery
  • Xi reduced port (total 3 ports or 2 ports) - sacrocolpopexy, myomectomy, sacrocolpopexy, TLH, SCH, endometriosis, Congenital anomaly surgery
  • Single site – ovarian cystectomy, myomectomy, TLH, sacrocolpopexy
Surgery Days
  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Ewha Womans’ Universtiy Medical Center

South Korea

  • Ewha Womans’ Universtiy Medical Center
  • Ewha Womans’ Universtiy Medical Center
  • Ewha Womans University Medical Center in Seoul is a leading healthcare institution affiliated with Ewha Womans University. It offers a wide range of medical services, featuring advanced medical technologies and comprehensive patient care. The center is renowned for its specialized departments, commitment to innovative research, and dedication to educating future medical professionals. It also enjoys international recognition for its contributions to medicine. For more detailed information about their services and specialties, please visit their official website.
Tutor Name & Surgery Types
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  • Hye-Sung Moon
  • SP LRH, SP TLH, SP myomectomy, SP endometriosis surgery, Xi TLH, Xi myomectomy
Surgery Days
  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Keimyung University Dongsan Hospital

South Korea

  • Keimyung University Dongsan Hospital
  • Keimyung University Dongsan Hospital
  • Keimyung University Dongsan Hospital, located in Daegu, South Korea, is a renowned medical institution affiliated with Keimyung University. It is well-regarded for its commitment to healthcare excellence, innovative medical research, and comprehensive education programs. The hospital is equipped with advanced medical technologies and offers a wide range of healthcare services across various specialties.
Tutor Name & Surgery Types
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  • Chi-Heum Cho
  • Gynecologic cancer& benign surgery with single site
Surgery Days
  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
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  • Sang-Hoon Kwon
  • Gynecologic cancer& benign surgery with single site
Surgery Days
  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Tutor Image
  • So-Jin Shin
  • Gynecologic cancer& benign surgery with single site
Surgery Days
  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Korea University Anam hospital

South Korea

  • Korea University Anam hospital
  • Korea University Anam hospital
  • Korea University Anam Hospital, located in Seoul, South Korea, is a leading healthcare institution affiliated with Korea University. It is renowned for its comprehensive medical services, advanced research initiatives, and a strong commitment to medical education. The hospital utilizes cutting-edge technology to provide high-quality patient care across a wide range of specialties.
Tutor Name & Surgery Types
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  • Song Jae Yun
  • Xi, SP GY oncology, benign GYN surgery
Surgery Days
  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
National University Hospital - Singapore


  • National University Hospital - Singapore
  • National University Hospital - Singapore
  • NUH is are an academic medical centre with over 1,200 beds, serving more than one million patients a year with over 50 medical, surgical and dental specialties. NUH is the only public and not-for-profit hospital in Singapore to provide trusted care for adults, women and children under one roof, including the only paediatric kidney and liver transplant programme in the country.
Tutor Name & Surgery Types
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  • Joseph Ng
  • Endometrial and ovarian cancer staging. Selected cervical cancer staging.
  • Ovarian cystectomy and complex pelvic surgery.
  • Combined multidisciplinary surgeries.
Surgery Days
  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
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  • Jeslyn Wong
  • Endometrial and ovarian cancer staging.
  • Selected cervical cancer staging
  • Cytoreductive surgery
Surgery Days
  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Tutor Image
  • Jeffrey Low
  • Endometrial cancer staging.
  • Selected cervical cancer staging
Surgery Days
  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Samsung Medical Center

South Korea

  • Samsung Medical Center
  • Samsung Medical Center
  • Location : Samsung Medical Center is located in the Gangnam district of Seoul, South Korea. Its precise address is 81 Irwon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06351, South Korea.
  • Affiliation : The medical center is affiliated with the Samsung Group, one of the largest conglomerates in South Korea. It is a major part of the Samsung Medical Foundation.
  • Facilities and Specialties : Samsung Medical Center is a comprehensive medical facility with state-of-the-art infrastructure and advanced medical technologies. The center covers a wide range of medical specialties, including cardiology, oncology, neurology, orthopedics, gynecology, and many more. It is known for its advanced diagnostic and treatment capabilities, making it a leading institution in the region.
  • Research and Education : SMC is actively involved in medical research and education. It collaborates with academic institutions and engages in cutting-edge medical research to contribute to advancements in healthcare.
  • International Recognition : The medical center has gained international recognition for its high standards of medical care and research contributions. It attracts patients from around the world seeking specialized medical treatments.
  • Technology and Innovation : Samsung Medical Center is known for its commitment to incorporating the latest medical technologies into patient care. It often serves as a pioneer in adopting innovative healthcare solutions.
  • Patient Care and Services : SMC places a strong emphasis on patient care, providing a range of services to meet the diverse healthcare needs of its patients. Multilingual staff and international patient services are often available to assist foreign patients.
Tutor Name & Surgery Types
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  • Kim Tae Joong
  • Robot-assisted gynecologic surgery (cancer, benign) (DaVinci XI).
  • Single-port laparoscopic surgery.
Surgery Days
  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital

South Korea

  • Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital
  • Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital
  • Location : Gangnam, Seoul, Korea
  • Affiliation : The Catholic University of Korea
  • Facilities and Specialties : Over 48 clinical departments across 25 specialized medical centers, including Organ Transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation, and Ophthalmology
  • Research and Education : Hosts 7 research centers
  • International Recognition : Known for its comprehensive care and advanced medical technology, including the da Vinci robotic surgery system
  • Technology and Innovation : Equipped with cutting-edge medical equipment like cyberknife, tomotherapy, and the latest MRI machines
  • Patient Care and Services : Offers a medical center for foreign clients for one-day full body examinations.
Tutor Name & Surgery Types
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  • Mee Ran Kim
  • Xi Robotic myomectomy, hysterectomy, ovarian cystectomy
Surgery Days
  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
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  • Keun Ho Lee
  • Xi & SP Robotic radical hysterectomy, staging op, vNOTES
Surgery Days
  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Severance Hospital

South Korea

  • Severance Hospital
  • Severance Hospital
  • Severance Hospital, located in Seoul, South Korea, is affiliated with Yonsei University and is known for its comprehensive healthcare services, state-of-the-art facilities, and leading medical research. It plays a significant role in medical education and offers a wide range of specialties, emphasizing innovative treatments and patient care.
Tutor Name & Surgery Types
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  • Sang Wun Kim
  • SP Endometrial cancer surgical staging, LRH, myomectomy
  • Xi reduced port (total 3 ports or 2 ports) Endometrial cancer surgical staging, LRH, myomectomy
Surgery Days
  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri