• ​President

    Tae Joong Kim

    Samsung Medical Center, South Korea

    Dr. Kim is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine. He graduated from Seoul National University College of Medicine and was trained in Samsung Medical Center. He started Robotic surgery and single-port laparoscopic surgery in 2008. He is the first surgeon in Asia to perform single-site da Vinci surgery (2013). He has demonstrated live surgeries across Asia. He has published more than 240 SCI (E) articles in the field of gynecologic oncology as well as minimally invasive surgery. He runs observational programs for foreign doctors.

  • Immediate Past President

    Chi-Heum Cho

    Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center, South Korea

    Dr. Cho is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Dongsan Medical Centre, Keimyung University. Dr Cho is the first to succeed Supracervical Laparoscopic closure for incompetent cervix. He is trained for Gynecologic Oncology at Emory University, Atlanta, USA.

  • President-Elect

    Rooma Sinha

    Robotic & Laparoscopic Surgeon Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad, India

    Dr. Rooma Sinha is a Professor & Chief Gynecologist, Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgeon at Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad, INDIA. She is the Founder President of the Association of Gynecological Robotic Surgeons of India (AGRS). Clinical Lead- Gynecology Robotic Surgery- Apollo Group of Hospitals. Associate Professor, Macquarie University Sydney, Australia. She was awarded the title of Distinguished Clinician & Distinguished Clinical Tutor-Apollo Hospitals. She is an Editorial Board Member- of the Gynecological Robotic Surgery Journal & Journal of Robotic Surgery. President-Elect of the Asian Society of Gynecological Robotic Surgeons (ASGRS). CERTIFIED ROBOTIC SURGEON-SERGS (Society of European Robotic Gynecological Surgeons).

    Pioneered Robotic surgery in India since 2012, today is the most experienced ROBOTIC surgeon for benign gynaecological conditions in the country. As the Director of the Minimal Access & Robotic Surgery (MARS) Fellowship program at Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad and the prestigious Vattikuti Fellowship in Gynecology Robotic Surgery she believes in constantly learning while mentoring young surgeons. Published over 50 papers and chapters in Books and National & International Journals. She has EDITED two books on FIBROID UTERUS (2019, 2020). Has the distinction of being invited as a lecturer to almost every part of India as well as almost all continents of the world.

  • Honorary Secretary

    Jiang Tao Fan

    First Affiliated Hospital of GuangXi Medical University, China

    Dr. Fan has been a gynecologist for 30 years in China. He devotes himself in clinical and basic research in female pelvic tumor. He is good at performing minimally invasive surgery for gynecologic benigns/malignancies. In September 2016, he performed the first robotic surgery in gynecology field in Guangxi Province of China. Till now, he completed more than 500 cases robotic operation without complication. He published more than 50 professional articles in gynecologic field.

  • Honorary Treasurer

    Suresh Nair

    Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Center, Singapore

    Dr. Nair is a Senior Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist currently in private practice at his clinic, Seed of Life, Fertility & Women's Care Medical Centre at Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre situated in Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital, Singapore. He was the past Medical Director of Parkway Fertility Centre, the assisted reproductive centre, situated in Mount Elizabeth Hospital from November 2008 to December 2011. He was President of the Obstetrical and Gynecological Society of Singapore from 2009 to 2011. His primary interests in gynecologic robotic surgery center around complex pelvic surgery for conditions such as endometriosis and large uterine fibroids.

  • Board Members

    Hiroaki Kobayashi

    Kagoshima University, Japan

    Dr. Kobayashi is the President of Japan Society of Gynecologic Robotic Surgery (JSGRS). By the consignment study from Intuitive Surgical Company, he launched new “da Vinci” surgeries of radical trachelectomy for cervical cancer, and the dual-docking surgery for endometrial cancer. He became the world’s first-certified gynecologic operator and mentor of “Hinotori Surgical Robot System”, which is the first surgical robot made in Japan.


    Jiheum Paek

    Ajou University, South Korea

    Dr. Jiheum Paek is an Associate Professor at Ajou University School of Medicine, Korea. His specific areas of expertise are in minimally invasive surgery for gynecologic cancer as well as complex benign disease. He has performed more than 1,500 cases of robotic surgery and 2,000 cases of single-port laparoscopic surgery in the gynecologic field. He is one of the founding members of the Asian Society of Gynecologic Robotic Surgery (ASGRS). He currently serves as the Education Committee Chair of ASGRS and as the Scientific Committee Chair of the Society of Korean Robotic Gynecologic Surgery.


    Rebecca Singson

    St. Luke’s Global City Medical Center, Philippines

    Dr. Singson is affiliated with St Luke’s Global City Medical Center, the Makati Medical Center and the Asian Hospital and Medical Center. She was the first Head of the Gynecologic Robotics Program at St Luke’s Global City Medical Center. Her primary area of interest is in the application of robotics to the minimally invasive surgical treatment of large pelvic masses.


    Ivan Sini

    Bunda Hospital, Indonesia

    Dr. Sini is CEO of Morula IVF Indonesia, a position he now holds after being the Medical Director of Morula IVF Jakarta. He is also Chairman of the Indonesian Reproductive Science Institute. He is actively involved in organized medicine in the field of reproductive endocrinology and infertility, serving on the Board of ASPIRE and serving as Secretary General of the Indonesian Association for IVF (Perfitri). His interests in robotic surgery are primarily focused around the minimally invasive surgical treatment of complicated anatomy associated with conditions such as endometriosis and fibroids.


    Jae Yun Song

    Korea University, South Korea

    To be updated soon.

  • Co-Opted Board Members

    Satoru Kyo

    Shimane University, Japan

    Dr. Kyo is a Professor of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Shimane University Faculty of Medicine. He is an executive board member of Japanese Society of Gynecologic Oncology (JSGO), a Chief Director of Academic committee and is an executive board member of Japan Society of Gynecologic Robotic Surgery (JSGRS), a Chief Director of Public and External Relations. He is also an executive board member of Japan Society of Gynecologic and Obstetrics Endoscopy (JSGOE), a Chief Director of Gynecologic Cancers. From 2022, he is serving an Oncology Committee of Asia and Oceania Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (AOFOG). His research area is molecular biology and molecular pathology of gynecologic cancers, and his clinical interest is MIS for gynecologic cancers. He has published more than 300 SCI (E) articles in the field of gynecologic oncology as well as minimally invasive surgery.


    Joseph J. Noh

    Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, South Korea

    Dr. Noh is a clinical professor and gynecologic oncologist at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital in South Korea, with a distinguished expertise in performing robotic surgeries for gynecologic malignancies and benign diseases. Serving as the secretary general of the ASGRS, he plays a pivotal role in advancing the field. Additionally, his active involvement in various professional societies dedicated to gynecologic oncology and minimally-invasive surgery showcases his commitment to enhancing surgical techniques and improving patient care within this specialty.


    Aranya Yantapant

    Bumrungrad International Hospital, Thailand

    To be updated soon.


    Ka Yu Tse

    The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

    Dr. Tse is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at The University of Hong Kong, and honorary consultant of the Queen Mary Hospital (Hong Kong) and HKU-Shenzhen Hospital (Shenzhen). She received her gynecological oncology training in Hong Kong and United Kingdom. Dr. Tse is interested in development of training programme, quality assurance and prevention of surgical complications in robotic surgery.

  • Honorary Senior
    Board Members

    Jennifer Jose

    St. Luke’s Medical Center, Philippines

    Dr. Jose is the Head of Robotic Gynecologic Surgery and Head of the section of Urogynecology at St Luke’s Medical Center Global City. She completed a clinical and research fellowship in Urogynecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery at Mount Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto, Canada. She is the holder of Intuitive Surgical’s Trailblazer Award for being the first surgeon in the Philippines to have successfully completed 100 robotic surgical cases. She performs robotic assisted hysterectomy, myomectomy, cystectomy, adhesiolysis and urogynecology procedures such as sacrocolpopexy for suspensions and incontinence procedures.


    Hung-Cheng Lai

    Taipei Medical University, Taiwan

    To be updated soon.


    Keun-Ho Lee

    Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, South Korea

    Dr. Lee is the Professor at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital. Specialty – Ovarian Cancer, Endometrial Cancer, Cervic Cancer, Robotic Surgery, Single Port Laaarascopic Surgery.


    Joseph Ng

    National University Hospital, National University Cancer Institute, Singapore

    Dr. Ng is the Founding President of the Asian Society for Gynecologic Robotic Surgery, the ASGRS. He is also the Founding President of the Robotic Surgery Society of Singapore, the RS3, a pan-specialty robotic surgery. He currently chairs and leads the Comprehensive Robotic Surgery Program of the National University Health System, one of three public healthcare clusters in Singapore. He is a gynecoloic oncologist and an open surgeon by training that believes in the power of robotic surgical technology to democratize minimally-invasive surgery and fulfill the promise of transforming women’s surgical care.


    Aziz Yahya

    Prince Court Medical Center, Malaysia

    Dr. Yahya is a Consultant Gynecological Oncologist in private practice at the Gleneagles Hospital and the Prince Court Medical Centre, both located in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. He was trained in obstetrics and gynecology at the Princess Anne Hospital in Southampton, England. He then went on to be trained in Gynecological Oncology at the St. Mary’s Medical School in London. Prior to leaving for private practice, he was the Head of Gynecological Oncology Unit at the National University of Malaysia. He has been performing robot-assisted radical surgery for gynecological cancers regularly since 2008. He also performs robotic surgery for benign gynecological diseases.